There is “Nakase House” about 5 minutes on foot from my parents-in-law’s house.


Taken on December 31, 2022 Same below(2022年12月31日撮影 以下同じ)

I had passed by it every time I took a walk, but I had never been inside.


On this day, when I entered for the first time, I could feel the history and it was quite interesting.


The Nakase House was built in 1887(Meiji 20) as the residence of Naokichi Yoda, a wealthy merchant who made a fortune as a kimono wholesaler (Naokichi Yoda Gofukuten).


Because the name of Yoda Naokichi Gofukuten was “Nakase”, it is now called Nakase House.


In 1988(Showa 63), the town of Matsuzaki purchased a large mansion consisting of seven buildings, including the main building and storehouse, and opened the main building to the public as an ethnic museum.


The building is full of luxury, from wood to fine carvings and hardware, and you can get a glimpse of the life of a wealthy merchant at the time.


In particular, the black plastered namako wall of the storehouse built in the main building can only be seen here in Matsuzaki-cho.


From the Matsuzaki Town Tourism Association website 


When I went through the corridor to the annex, the “Matsuzaki Location Exhibition” was being held. 


Matsuzaki Town has become a filming location for movies and dramas that I have seen. 


Some people may feel nostalgic when they see the posters on display. 


In addition, the “Izu Peninsula Geopark Matsuzaki Visitor Center” is attached here. 

また、ここには「伊豆半島ジオパーク 松崎ビジターセンター」が併設されている。

A geopark is a regional accreditation program that promotes sustainable development while preserving heritage sites that have geological value (earth heritage, geoheritage, UK: geoheritage) and utilizing them for education and tourism.

ジオパーク(英: geopark)とは、地球科学的な価値を持つ遺産(大地の遺産、ジオヘリテイジ、: geoheritage)を保全し、教育ツーリズムに活用しながら、持続可能な開発を進める地域認定プログラムである。

On April 17, 2018, the Izu Peninsula was designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as the ninth global geopark in Japan. 


Excerpt from Wikipedia. Matsuzaki Town belongs to the west side of the Izu Peninsula.


It is said that it became free from April 1, 2021 (Reiwa 3rd year), and it is open to the public all year round.


If you cross the bridge from the Nakase residence and walk a little, you will find a building called “Izubuntei”.


Built in 1910 (Meiji 43), Izubuntei used to be a kimono merchant.


In Matsuzaki Town, the building was donated by the owner, and the interior was developed as a valuable historical building that represents the Meiji era. 


It is now open as a free rest area. 


There is also a footbath in the small park next to Izubuntei. 


From the Matsuzaki Town Tourism Association website 



投稿者 akari